Giving Thanks and Making Commitments

Giving Thanks & Making Commitments (+ Special Black Friday Offers!)

As we head into Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to recognize the gratitude I feel for the readers of this blog and the students of our programs.

We made a lot of progress in 2020. We introduced new Accelerator programs that have helped us connect with customers on a deeper level and help more than ever before take the next steps in building their businesses.

As we’ve dedicated more time to listening to our readers and customers, we’ve been humbled by the stories we’ve been told.

As we’ve listened more, we’ve also noticed that our community seems to be united by some common features.

People find Online Selling Experiment because they are working on creating a better life for themselves and their families. Sometimes this means more stability, other times it means more excitement.

They want to believe it is possible, but the abundance of suggestions and information on the internet make it really difficult to chart a path forward.

How do you tell the difference between a “guru” that is mainly after your money and someone who will actually help you?

How can your prevent yourself from being manipulated? Everyone is offering you exactly what you’ve always dreamed, of course it sounds good!

How do you make sure you don’t waste your time and money? A better life means managing your time and money better – you don’t want to start your journey with another mistake.

How can you avoid the embarrassment you’d feel if you took action but found out you’d been manipulated and wasted the very money you can’t afford to lose?

Is online retail really what you want to be doing for the rest of your life? Would it even work? How can you possibly compete with established sellers who are already moving millions of dollars worth of products?

If you are going to try it, do you need to pay for a course? Couldn’t you just find the information on a blog or on Youtube?

Faced with all these conflicting fears and desires, it’s really easy to get stuck in a perpetual state of planning and evaluation. With just a little more research, you’ll finally be able to identify a plan that perfectly aligns with your goals and sets you down the right path – right?

Or maybe if you try a couple, one will stick. Maybe you’ll have more time next month. Maybe you are wasting your time and everyone is selling you hope to try to get your money. Maybe it isn’t worth it.

This is where, in retrospect, I wish we would have been doing a better job “seeing” these very real and very big struggles you’ve been dealing with and doing a better job helping you navigate them.

I don’t want to be just another voice that is causing you more indecision.

Whatever you feel, do not let your hope to create a better life fade because of indecision.

There are many, many viable ways to make money. If one isn’t obviously the “right” option for you, that doesn’t mean that they are all wrong. Pick one of the ideas that is “good enough” and make it the “right” one.

Our Commitment to You

So now let’s move on to a commitment we’d like to make to you.

At it’s most simple, it’s to do a better job listening so that we can more directly address the core problems you are dealing with.

This includes deciding whether online retail is a strategy you want to pursue. Online retail is a great choice for many people, but it isn’t right for everyone.

We’re also going to double down on our efforts to assist you in your journey by providing a clear model for success.

The key to success when you decide to try something new is to find a successful person and model them.

A “model” is more than just information. In fact, too much information can often get in the way of implementation. This is one of the biggest flaws with the online courses most people offer. They promise you all the information you could possibly want, organized into a nice format – but what if you don’t have the experience needed to understand all the information?

The abundance of information often makes you believe that you can’t take action until you understand it – all while the truth is that you can’t understand it until you take action!

That’s why we’ve been focusing so much on the “Accelerator” concept in 2020.

With Accelerators, the idea is a guaranteed result in a defined time period with all the necessary support and guidance provided.

Our Arbitrage Accelerator Challenge (also known as the Launch Accelerator) is a clear model for how to get your first sales online when you are starting with no (or limited) experience. It’s meant to be completed in 30 days and gets you the experience needed to understand and apply the more in-depth information and strategies we offer in programs like How to Make $1000+ Per Month On Amazon.

Our Wholesale Accelerator is a clear model for getting your first wholesale account. We work closely with participants to help them take the exact steps needed to get their first account and place an order.

While the main training we currently offer will still be available in 2021, we’re redesigning them to do an even better job modeling the entire process of going from someone who is interested in selling online to someone who is actually selling enough to replace their job.

This will start at the entry level.

In 2020, the main ways we have offered entry-level training was through:

  • The 30-day quick start Challenge for $99
  • 100+ leads per month for $99/m
  • Group coaching for $99/m
  • An advanced retail arbitrage course for $299

In 2021, we’re updating and bringing back an idea called the Best Sellers Lab.

The Best Sellers Lab will contain the models to show you how to go from an inexperienced seller to one who is successfully implementing strategies that can earn thousands of dollars a month.

Starting in January 2021, the Challenge will be something you can start at any time and all Best Seller Lab members will have access. The goal of the Challenge is to get your first $250+ in sales within your first 30 days of selling online.

In an effort to be a more clear role model for you, we’re expanding on our Office Hours concept and developing the community groups you get access to. Instead of 2 calls a month, we’ll be doing weekly calls so that we can help you follow the models without getting bogged down. The community will be developed as a place to share leads, ask questions, and get quick assistance for issues as you encounter them.

As one of the most direct forms of modeling a successful RA seller possible, we will continue to give you 100+ retail arbitrage leads every month that are available in common stores and match my business’s sourcing guidelines.

You will also get access to our course library on entry-level strategies, including Flipping For Profit and How to Make $1000+ Per Month On Amazon.

Our goal is to develop the Best Sellers Lab as the best and easiest model to follow successfully for anyone who is interested in building an online retail business.

Our base rate for this will be just $149 for your first month, followed by a $99 per month subscription charge.

Since the models will be meant to cover many months of your selling journey, we will also offer discounted rates for quarterly and 6 month enrollment periods.

The quarterly enrollment will be $275, saving you $72 over starting monthly.

The 6-month rate will be $499 – saving you $145.

There are cheaper opportunities to consume information out there. Our goal is not to offer you cheap information. You can get that from Youtube. Our goal is to offer you the best possible model for successfully getting started with online retail at a fair price that offers the opportunity for a big return on your investment.

Another key component of this level will be preparing you for wholesale sourcing.

Wholesale is a huge part of our business, but it takes a combination of money and experience to get started.

If you already have experience selling online, you can jump right into wholesale via our Wholesale Accelerator. If you have no experience, the Best Sellers Lab will quickly get you ready for wholesale by helping you gain both experience and money to invest.

These updates to the Best Sellers Lab and the Wholesale Accelerator, combined with some additional ideas we have for updating our offerings for the wholesale level and beyond, represent the commitment we’re making to our customers for 2021 and beyond.

On top of this commitment to customers, we’re also committing to delivering more value to our readers and subscribers by publishing more free content to help you solve problems and make better decisions faster.

Special Black Friday Offer

The regular rates for the Best Sellers Lab that we described above are already the best value we’ve ever offered.

But to show how serious we are about all this and to boost initial enthusiasm and enrollment numbers, we’ve decided to offer an even better deal for anyone who wants to take action between now and 11/30.

We’re going to double your access period.

If you enroll in the Best Sellers Lab for $275, you’ll have access for 6 months.

If you enroll in the Best Sellers Lab for $499, you’ll be getting an entire year!

You’ll get access to everything we currently have immediately – this includes our retail arbitrage leads list, Office Hours, How to Make $1000+ Per Month On Amazon, our Flipping For Profit course, and more.

We’ll be updating things, including getting the on-demand Arbitrage Accelerator Challenge content ready, throughout December. You’ll be along for the ride and be able to help give a final shape to all the ideas.

If you have decided that online retail is a model worth exploring based on your situation and the goals you are trying to achieve, this investment should pay big dividends throughout 2021.

If you think this is a good investment, you can enroll from this page.

Note: We’ll be upgrading any current member of the Arbitrage Finds group to the Best Sellers Lab in early December for the same $99 rate. No need to take any action. If you want to take advantage of one of the offers listed above to save money on your enrollment, please complete the enrollment and then reach out to and let us know so we can take care of things on our end.

Wholesale Accelerator Deal

We will also be offering a special Black Friday deal on our Wholesale Accelerator program.

To reiterate, this program is a model for getting your first wholesale account and actually placing an order.

We’re going to be covering our general wholesale strategies, details on our next Wholesale Accelerator, and a Black Friday offer on a live call tonight at 5:30 PM CT.

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